


Fovea has been tested for compatibility with both Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ Polygon domain functionality (domain2D) depends on shapely 1.2+ and descartes 1.0.1+ The Bombardier example depends on YAML (via PyYAML)

The dimensionality reduction examples require the Modular Toolkit for Data Processing (MDP). This can be installed by running pip install MDP.

All underlying dynamics are solved using PyDSTool.

Other dependencies are as follows:

  • PyYAML 3.11 or greater
  • StructLog 15.1 or greater
  • TinyDB 2.0 or greater
  • Euclid 0.01 or greater
  • Matplotlib 1.5.0 or great
  • Numpy (Installed with PyDSTool)
  • Scipy (Installed with PyDStool)


Run python install from the downloaded folder.




This install procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

On Linux, a number of library packages are required for building and installing Fovea's various dependencies. To avoid build errors stemming from issues with the way in which setuptools attempts to build packages from source, consider installing as follows:

virtualenv venv     # Create a virtual environment for Fovea and dependencies
source venv/bin/activate    # Activate the virtual environment
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install pydstool
python install fovea

Next, you will need to configure Matplotlib such that it uses an interactive backend allowing for the dynamic viewing of figures and plots. To do this you will need to edit your Matplotlibrc file. If you're using virtualenv, this file can be found in /venv/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/matplotlib where pythonX.Y is your Python version (e.g. python3.4). If you installed Matplotlib globally, your Matplotlibrc can be found in ~/.config/matplotlib

Now, open the Matplotlibrc file and find the option for specifying the backend. By default, it will be set to Agg which does not allow for the displaying of or interaction with plots and figures. Specify an interactive backend such as GTK3Agg, TkAgg, or WXAgg. Some of these backends are specific to either Python 2 or Python 3, so please consult the Matplotlib website before choosing a backend.

Your Fovea installation should now be complete. To test that everything is working properly run

>>> import fovea

and then try running some of the examples given in the examples folder.